Sat 11 Jan
NEW💋 Young & Sexy Blue Eyed Big Booty Blonde Bombshell 😘 Don't Miss Out! - 20
(Westchester, Ardsley Incalls/Outcalls)
NEW Italian STALLION Leaving Your City by 12pm...You Wouldn't Want To Miss Out💦💦💦 - 23
(Westchester, Tarry town)
★•°o•.★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o•.★ NeW ★•°o•.★ BuBbLly ★•°o•.★ BRUNETTE ★•°o•.★ - 21
(Westchester, WestchesterTarrytownElmsford WhitePlains)
**@FuN FreaKy FriDay night SPEcialS LOW RaTes! 914-565-9924! incalls all night avail NOW - 26
(Westchester, White plains/Westchester)
Here Today G¤n€ T¤mm¤rrO₩ $60 Sp€cials Bu$t¥ ₩/ @ NIC€ Backside. . Lets P£a¥!! - 20 - 20
(Westchester, your bed......9145136345)
🌟💖GORGEUS PLAyMate💖🌟💖🌟the video it is not put Photoshop.🔥💖So Sweet - 22
(Tarrytown. Elmsford, Westchester)
Bi Couple....Best of Both worlds...Together/Solo - 29
(Mid Westchester/Private/Upscale, Westchester)
♥ AnGeL FacE—🍑 —ViSiTiNg— • PeRfeCt 10!! •SOO GORGEOUS* — ♥COME PLAY 💕💞 BiG BoOtY - 24
(Incalls elmsford/tarrytown, Westchester)
_S_U_P_E_R__ LATINA* -I will be your new favorite memory! REAL PICTURES - 27
~~~~~~~~ Incall Work Available ~~~ MONEY GAURANTEED $$$$$$$$$ - 25
(Westchester, white plains/elmsford incalls)
Available! Hot Sexy Independent and Real!
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, City Location)
~*~ Pleasure Beyond Measure ~*~ Why Settle For Less When U Can Finally Have The Best ~*~ - 22
(Westchester, Incalls Yonkers)
(( Lowest Rates In Town ** )) __Your #1 SLUT___ (( A VERY OPEN- MINDED HOT LATINA TS )) ____ - 21
Extremely😈Hot🔥🔥🔥& Exotic💄TS Daniela🌟Top&Bottom;💦💨💦New in town😘available Now⚡️📞 - 22
(Elmsford /prívate /location, Westchester)
*M°A °G° I °C° A°L°L°Y ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S* - ALL ME ALL NATURAL FULLY hung&functional; - 22
(Westchester, Elmsford)
BRONX INCALL❣●💗•*• :•.YOUR # ❶ •●💢PARTY 🌟 •❣💢GIRL 🌟•●I am available today - 2000% real pics - 21
(Bronx, Fairfield, Manhattan, Pelham Bay private location, Queens, Westchester)
gORGeOUs BaBe ]] ߒˢݤߒˢ———ߒˢݤߒ˛[ SUPER SEXY ]just arrived for 2 days Visiting FOR FIRST TIME CT - 24
(nanuet new york route 59 amazing body, Westchester)
💕 ❤ British Islander?👠 👙100% Guaranteed Satisfaction💕 💋Available Now 💋💕 914-218-0798 - 28
(Westchester, Westchester / My Place)
💖 💕Available Now💖💕 Sweet 💋💋Sexy👙 💕Fun 💕 ❤ 100%Guaranteed Satisfaction" 👠914-661-2294 💕👙 - 28
(Westchester, Tarrytown/Elmsford/White plains Rd)
🌸🌸🌸Big Booty CULONA LAtina horney New 23 🌸🌸🌸llamame ahora 9143438533 - 23 - 23
(Westchester, 125 tuckahoe rd yonkers,)
Fri 10 Jan
READY FOR ME? ▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒▒█ * NORTH BRONX LOC * * 100% REAL █▒▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ - 24
(Westchester, NORTH BRONX LOCATION * 24/7)
Look no more! VERS T-girl. REAL Pictures. Available Now in ( BRONX, NY ) ***Alone *24/7 - 24
(Westchester, ( BRONX, NY ) ***Alone *24/7)
PARÍS, Relaxing Massage!!!, Harlem Location - 29
(Bronx, Harlem Location/Frederick Douglas Blvd, Manhattan, Westchester)
[★]NEW N TOWN [★]PROOF pic[★]9.5XL thickK[★]VERSE TOP[★] BUBBLE AZZ [★] --the NASTIEST around - - 23
(Westchester, stamford ct)
🌺So.SEXY BombShell Dominican🌺80$ hhr With Big BoOty 📲 Never Rushed🍒4016969888 - 19
(Westchester, Yonkers Tuckahoe rd)
★•°o•.★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o•.★ NeW ★•°o•.★ BuBbLly ★•°o•.★ BRUNETTE ★•°o•.★ - 21
(Westchester, WestchesterTarrytownElmsford WhitePlains)
CoMe GeT iT (¯NEW¯) *o* ((★ AnY WaY YoU WaNt iT ★)) *o* (¯NEW¯) LiMiTeD TiMe - 23
(Westchester, ****Nanuet****)
Click here brand new out call in yonkers or mt vernon my pictures are real so call me no text - 22
(Westchester, Out call)
▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐ 🎯 GRAND OPENING 🎯▐▐▐▐▐ K SPA▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ ▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ - 23
(New Rochelle/Westchester/Bronx, Westchester)
Sensual Petite Blonde - Relaxing Full Body Massage - Incall & Outcalls - 38
(Westchester, Westchester - White Plains)
———██████████ GRAND OPENING ! NEW ! █████████ NEW ASIAN STAFF ——████—— NEW ASIAN SPA ——████—— - 24
(Westchester, Scarsdale,914-722-1050/1020)
✨Exotic Mixed Japanese BARBIE ✨✨Blissful Skilled Hands✨✨5 Star QUALITY Massage!! ✨✨Independent 👍👌 - 25
(Westchester, New Rochelle)
✨💓✨💓✨NEW Young Sexy Asian Girls 22 - 28 yrs old💃💃👯ULTIMATE RELAXATION PACKAGE✨💓 ✨💓✨ - 22
————— ▀▀▀▀▀★▀▀ GRAND OPENING ▀▀★▀▀▀▀▀ ———— TOP CLASS ASIAN SPA ▀▀▀▀▀ 4hands massage/ ONLY $100 ▀▀▀▀▀ - 24
(Westchester, Scarsdale,914-722-1050/1020)
😻Looking For A Yummiee 🍰🍦Snack In Rockland & Westchester Counties? Call Me Now !!😍😚 - 19
(In Rockland County Nanuet, Nyack, Westchester)
___Sexxy Seductive Flirty TRANSEXUAL Babe VIDEO PROOF so u know I'm real :) - 22
(Westchester, Elmsford)
💖Very Sexy💕Classy💕I Aim to Please💋👙Available Now 💕💕 ❤" 👠914-218-0798 💕👙 - 29
(Westchester, White Plains/Elmsford/My Place)
💋ToE CuRlinG SkillS & FlAWle$$ BoDy💋 LAsT NighT $peciAl🍓 SouTHerN SweeTNe$$ 🍓CuRvy & ThiCk - 29
(Fairfield, STaMford GreenWich INcall Local OUTCall)
Super Hot and Exotic!!Taste of a Dark Chocolate!100% Guaranteed Satisfaction#@ 914-426-9640 - 27
(Westchester, Tarrytown/Whiteplains Road/Westchester)
New *REAL* Puerto Rican Curvy Bootyfull & Pretty Face *Specials - 27
(Westchester, incalls/out depends location)
(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) __H OT_ -:¦:--:¦:- _ C A P P U C H I N O (¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) ___________OUT CALL - 26
German Azz Overload Georgia Peach (New N Town) 100% Real Pics (No Explicit Talk) Rainy Day Specials - 36
(Westchester, Ur Place Only/ Houses n Hotels Only)
GRAND OPENING ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ K SPA ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ - 23
(New Rochelle/Westchester/Bronx, Westchester)
Heidi Mature Professional Entertainer Visiting - 30
(Fairfield, fairfield county, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
(((( GORGEOUS )))) ____ (((( BLONDE ) )))_ __ __ ((((GORGEOUS)))) - 22
——❤ ———————— A— M—A—Z—I —N—G ——— ✪——--- ALL Japanese GIRLS !!! —————————— ❤ —— - 20
(Midtown East, East 49th St at Madison Ave)
ASHLEYY💎 Is BACKKK!! 🌺 Exotic Mixed ✨BRUNETTE Princess👸🏾 100$💦Specials/ Best in Town ✨🌟 - 24
(Westchester, YONKERS INCALL)
***** B E A U T I F U L - L A T I N A - G I R L S ***** - 22
Enjoy More Of Life With A Relaxing Bodyrub From Astoria, Queens - It's Worth The Trip! - 30
QUEENS INCALL _____ BUSTY _____ Barbie Doll Beauty _____ QUEENS INCALL - 25
*Sexy & freaky* Big Booty... N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ N.I.C.E - 45
(Westchester, TARRYTOWN)
____ *° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW°* __ - - - - visiting - 27
(Westchester, ELMSFORD)
✳️✳️✳️✳️*Just What the Dr. Ordered* 9.5"🍌 ASK 4 FACE-TIME PROOF✅ 📲✅ ✳️✳️✳️✳️ - 22
(NYACK, Westchester)
GORGeOUs BaBe ]] ߒˢݤߒˢ—————ߒˢݤߒ˛[ SUPER SEXY ]] ߒ˰ߒˢ—————ߒˢݤߒ˛[ READY NOW ]] 2 DAYS only - 23
(NANUET NY RT 59, Westchester)
Drop Dead Gorgeous Blonde BOMBSHELL !! --->>> SLiM && SEXY LiFE-SiZED BARBiE !!! ** Real Pictures ! - 21
(Elmsford/Tarrytown -- Westchester County)
gORGeOUs BaBe ]] ߒˢݤߒˢ———ߒˢݤߒ˛[ SUPER SEXY ]just arrived for the LAST day - 24
(RYE BROOK NY, Westchester)
big Boobs want to get in between? enjoy truly open mind & kinky imagination - 33
(Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, New Jersey, Queens, Staten Island, Upper east side 70"s and 2 av, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
❤❤ ❤ BeAuTiFuL FaCe & GrEaT PeRsOnAliTy ❤❤❤ - 21
(Westchester, WestchesterTarrytownElmsford WhitePlains)
Thu 09 Jan